Tax Number

What is the Tax Identification Number in Turkey?

This is a nine-digit number given to real estate buyers, property owners, investors or anyone who plans to stay in Turkey for more than 90 days. This is like a unique taxpayer reference number (UTR number in the UK) assigned to everyone living in Turkey.

If you want to buy a property or invest in Turkey, you need to apply for a Tax Identification Number. This process is simple and fast at the same time. In the future, the tax reference number will show how much tax you need to pay for your property and will facilitate all your other tax purposes. For investors who want to establish a business or limited liability company in Turkey, a Tax Identification Number is required for the evaluation of tax returns, including corporate tax.

The tax number is also a Turkish bank account, water and electricity subscription, residence permit fee, etc. It is also an important requirement to open.
The procedure for obtaining a Tax Number in Turkey is simple and fast. The only thing is to give a photocopy of your passport and apply to the Tax Office. After the registration of your data, you will receive the Tax Number directly.

After getting the tax number, you can easily do other management steps, such as opening a bank account and making investments.

The ELKA HOMES team will gladly help you with every step necessary to obtain your tax identification number in Turkey.
Uygulama Fark Bilişim - 2022